Valentine’s Day in Provence
Our ideas for telling them “I love you”
Even if love is celebrated all year round (when you love someone, you stop counting), Valentine’s Day remains “The” day to tell them “I love you”! This year, we’ve chosen what’s unusual, surprising, sustainable, in harmony with nature. Take time to spend time together! Some of our favourites are maybe not open in winter (to save energy), but you can give a gift voucher or book to go later in the year.
The safe bet: a romantic dinner (or lunch)
Brasserie, traditional restaurant or Michelin starred: many of them propose menus and evenings for Valentine’s Day, sometimes even with a concert or musical show. As we can’t list all of them here, we invite you to take a look at our Agenda section to find out more!

Our top tips
Choose addresses which favour local produce and short circuits, like the Bienvenue à la Ferme network or the Bistrots in the region.

On the water
In Avignon, a 15-minute walk from the Pope’s Palace and the city centre, the Althéa barge will give you a brand-new experience, where you can combine the calm of an evening on the water with relaxing at the bar (with herbal teas, fresh fruit and vegetable juices please!) for a weekend between detox and relaxation, with a view of the City of the Popes. It’s a welcome bubble where you can recharge your batteries!
In Sorgues, The La Lionne lake accommodates the Coocou – the Grand Grape Variety cabins. 16 cabins, 6 of which are on the water, give you the opportunity to have an unforgettable stay. We really loved the Utopia eco-cabin, on the water, which is completely independent and eco-friendly, which you get to by boat. You’re sure to disconnect! (opens on 24 February)

To make the moment last longer
Let the micro-adventures put on by Grand Avignon destinations or the Avignon Tourisme experiences tempt you.

In the trees
In Entrechaux, it’s in the forest, surrounded by the vineyards of Domaine Talès, where you will find the pretty cabins, looking at the ruins of the Castle that overlooks the village.
One thing is sure here, the current owners live in harmony with nature, organic wine produced at the cabins which disappear into relaxing vegetation. Live happy, live hidden away (open all year).

Fall in love…
Make these moments last longer with a visit to the Huiles et Sens store at the Centiflor laboratory, at the edge of the village. You’ll find a whole range of organic products made in Vaucluse for vital well-being.

A chalet looking at the Giant of Provence

Worth the detour
From the campsite, head out on the Jean-Henri Fabre discovery trail, to encounter the flora and fauna in the Mont-Ventoux Regional Nature Park.
The dream decor can be seen as soon as you get there.
xperience that provides the “La Chouette” panoramic chalet, at the Mont-Serein campsite (open all year, 2 nights minimum). Here you feel a bit like you’re “on top of the world” in a cosy cocoon!
Fun, eco-friendly, sustainable gift ideas
Adopt an organic vine!
The Orgâmic by Vins des Copains estate, in Goult, gives you the opportunity to adopt 6, 18 or 24 vine stocks for a vintage. Lots of advantages are offered according to the option you choose. It’s one wine adventure we’re going to try! How about you?

Other ideas
We had already listed lots of Christmas gift ideas, that you can look back at for Valentine’s Day (and even all year 😉).