
Entre les Bras du Rhône









Positive elevation gain

12 meters

Negative elevation gain

12 meters


Min. 17 meters

Max. 20 meters

  • circuit
  • variante
  • liaison

Departure / Arrival

Ile Piot car park / Ile Piot car park


Park place Ile Piot

profil altimétrique

Pygal0050050010001000002000200050005000700070001000010000Distance (m)Altitude (m)

Traces GPX


Tourist service in Avignon :

Departure from the car park of the “allée Antoine Pinay” path. Follow the towpath along the Rhône towards the restaurant for 750 metres. Continue along the bank and cross the restaurant terrace, and continue as far as the landing stage. Continue on the shady path along the Rhône to pick up the tarmac road about 1.3 km away. take the “Chemin des Canotiers” that goes along the bank. Then continue on the “Chemin des Pêchers”, heading for Barthelasse castle 1.5 km away. Continue along the “Chemin du Repos”. When you get to an oratory, take the “Chemin des Poiriers” on the right. At the next intersection, continue on the “Chemin de Rhodes” on the left. At the end of the “Chemin de Rhodes”, pick up the “Chemin du Mont-Blanc”. Take it to the right as far as “Chemin de Bellegarde”. Go left towards the campsite. Go around the roundabout via the “Chemin des vignes” to take the “Chemin de Dardene” on the left. Follow the ""Chemin des canotiers"" on the right for 500 metres. Go down the staircase to pick up the towpath. Return heading for the “Allée Antoine Pinay”.
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Go to the route

public transportation

recommended parking

Park place Ile Piot

road access

By pont Edouard Daladier bridge or pont de l'Europe bridge

To note

  • A very nice circuit in spring or autumn

  • Be aware that the circuit is exposed to the wind when the Mistral is blowing

  • Do not pick the fruit in the orchards

If you want to report a problem on your hike (marking, maintenance, danger...), let us know on Suricate: sentinels.sportsdenature.fr
Access to the massifs
Respect the regulations preserving protected natural areas – find out about restrictions to accessing the massifs during fire risk periods, from 15 June to 15 September.
Before heading out, check the website

In brief

  • A walk in nature between orchards and fields
  • Wonderful viewing points of the Rhône, Avignon and Villeneuve
  • Family circuit on small roads and tracks


Office de Tourisme du Grand Avignon
Tel : View number +33(0)4 90 03 70 60
E-Mail : tourisme@grandavignon.fr

Guided hikes